Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Slo-bowl dog bowl for your dog

My dog Heart loves, loves, loves to eat her every meals in the days. But Heart's stomach may be upset or hurt. I decided to buy slo-bowl dog bowl for Heart.

In the early night, Heart and I went to walked to pet stores for buy slo-bowl dog bowl. Because of Heart is a Lab. Heart ate her meal too quickly from normal dog bowl in 53 seconds. I searched slow bowl for Heart in the pet stores. I found Global pet store, if they have slow bowl dog bowl. I searched slow bowl. I can't find slow feed. I went to other pet stores. Heart and I went walked again. I found Pet Value store, that is who supports for Dog Guides Canada. 

I searched slow feed dog bowl. I found big slow feed. But it was very expensive slow feed. I decided to chose slo-bowl dog bowl for low price. I paid with my cash. Heart and I went to back to home. Heart got very tired from long walking. 

Last week, Heart ate her breakfast with slo-bowl in 4-5 minutes. Heart's stomach feels get better. YAY!!

Here are pictures of Slo-Bowl dog bowl:

Step 1: Pick it up and ready for breakfast or dinner.

Step 2: Put dog food to slo-bowl. Heart's diet is Kirkland Chicken, rice and vegetables (dog dry food).

Step 3: It's so hard to put dog food. Few dog foods are fall from slo-bowl.

Heart is wait till I said "ok". (please just ignore bag of apples)

Heart eat her dinner.

Heart almost done eat her dinner.

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