Friday, 16 October 2015

Thanksgiving Weekends


Sorry, I don't to update my blog in weekend ago.

How were your thanksgivings weekends? Yummy Turkey?? I'm telling you about we were doing in Thanksgiving weekends.

On Saturday, We went to my grandparents's house for thanksgiving dinner. So, I bring Heart to grandparent's backyard. Leo and Heart are very happy and running in one or two hours when we were eat our dinner. My grandparents served: ham, beef, Caesar salad, mashed potatoes, and some vegetables. SO yummy!

I played with leo and Heart for ball. I threw a ball for us. No matter who is winner or loser. But Heart hates to loser. Heart catch a ball and brought to me. Leo chew a ball and Heat waiting for get a ball when Leo chew it. Leo leaves and Heart pick a ball. Heart got very, very tired. We went to home and sleep time. Heart and Leo are very best friends.

On Sunday, my parents went to USA. I stayed in our house with Heart. Heart and I went to my grandparent's house again. Leo wanted to see her friend Heart. Then Leo and Heart went to crazy run! They wanted to play with me for a ball. I threw a white ball for us. But Leo Jumped up to tried catch a ball and landed funny. Leo was limped and cried in pain. Poor Leo.. Heart still run and play. My grandma served some Italian foods for dinner. We went to back home and got tired.

On Thanksgiving day,  My aunt and her family back to Toronto. We were relax and some nap. Heart miss her friend Leo.

I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be update next day or week.

Here are pictures:

Heart got very excited with her toy in her mouth. Leo is standing.

Heart and Leo are waiting for ready for throw it.

So beautiful Heart. Heart sit on red/orange leaves in the ground.

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